
Op. Dr. Onur DÜNDAR

Op. Dr. Onur DÜNDAR

Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Uzmanı

Professional Career

Since 2003 I have been working as an obstetrician and gynecologist.

1998-2002 Atatürk University specialization training

1987-1998 Health clinic, tuberculosis dispensary and Emergency medicine

I was born in Trabzon on 1.05.1961. I finished the primary school in Trabzon Kaledibi. After finishing the Cumhuriyet secondary school and Trabzon high school, I got the same KTÜ Forest Engineering. Later, I left here and won Istanbul Medical Faculty. Later I worked as a general practitioner in various places. Then I trained as a specialist in gynecology at Erzurum Atatürk University and I am still doing this task at Special Imperial Hospital as a specialist. I am married and a father of 3 children.

MEMBERSHIPS Trabzon Tabip Odası
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 13:00
Date of Update : 07.03.2023